Return to referer URL

Query Metrics

2 Database Queries
2 Different statements
142.04 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 39.15 ms
SELECT AS id_0, h0_.whaba_origen_id AS whaba_origen_id_1, h0_.whaba_destino_id AS whaba_destino_id_2, h0_.fecha_creacion AS fecha_creacion_3, h0_.fecha_actualizacion AS fecha_actualizacion_4, h0_.mensaje AS mensaje_5, h0_.centro_id AS centro_id_6, h0_.vc_id AS vc_id_7, h0_.template AS template_8, h0_.is_read AS is_read_9, h0_.fecha_read AS fecha_read_10, h0_.file_media AS file_media_11, h0_.file_type AS file_type_12, h0_.download_file AS download_file_13, h0_.download_date AS download_date_14 FROM historial_mensajes_whatsapp h0_ WHERE h0_.centro_id = ? AND h0_.is_read = ? AND (h0_.whaba_destino_id = ? OR h0_.whaba_origen_id = ?) ORDER BY h0_.fecha_creacion ASC
2 102.89 ms
SELECT AS id_0, h0_.whaba_origen_id AS whaba_origen_id_1, h0_.whaba_destino_id AS whaba_destino_id_2, h0_.fecha_creacion AS fecha_creacion_3, h0_.fecha_actualizacion AS fecha_actualizacion_4, h0_.mensaje AS mensaje_5, h0_.centro_id AS centro_id_6, h0_.vc_id AS vc_id_7, h0_.template AS template_8, h0_.is_read AS is_read_9, h0_.fecha_read AS fecha_read_10, h0_.file_media AS file_media_11, h0_.file_type AS file_type_12, h0_.download_file AS download_file_13, h0_.download_date AS download_date_14 FROM historial_mensajes_whatsapp h0_ WHERE h0_.centro_id = ? AND h0_.is_read = ? AND (h0_.whaba_destino_id = ? OR h0_.whaba_origen_id = ?)

Database Connections

Name Service
zapp doctrine.dbal.zapp_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
zapp doctrine.orm.zapp_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
App\Entity\ZAPP\HistorialMensajesWhatsapp No errors.